Twink said...
tomorrow.. we will have a "A" day..A for "awesome"twink.June 17, 2008 9:36 PM
As you can see, An Above Average Admiring fan was giving the letter "A" An Admirable chance to host our day. Due to the Following events, "A" didn't have a Fighting chance. I hope you are Finding the Foreshadowing Fallacious!
"A" only lasted a Fraction under Four seconds, as Twink Forgot about her Fragile neck, stretched, then Froze it, althought it Felt more like a Fracture!
First thing at work we had two Females in For pampering to their Feet. Final touch is always polish. Twink went to grab one, hitting the shelf with her Forearm, sending all the polish Falling to the Floor, Fracturing upon impact sending Fragments of glass all over. Not to mention nail polish Flooding on the Floor, Floorboards, etc. Of course Forbiddon "F" words Found a way into our Foreheads, but we Finnally Found the Funny in the mess. Fortunalty Judy was working and Found remover and Fixed that issue. Fumes were Floating From room to room, Free of charge of course, and not being Fully Filtered by our nasal hairs, we were as stoned as the generation of Free love!
If that wasn't enough to put "A" out of the Forefront, then when my next client Faye arrived For her Featured Facial which Features seaweed to Fortify and Freshen your Face, then Frankly nothing could!
"F" was also showing its Face upstairs where Stacey kept Flubbing up booking Facials! The day seemed like Forever! Box bottoms Falling out, we were all getting so Frustrated that death by Firing squad seemed Favorable!
Just before Four, i was running Forty-Five minutes behind, and still had Four hours to go!
One thing is Forsure, when you are busy and things are going Foul, the day Flies by, and soon it was time For twinks Four o'clock chiro appointment.
I did make Fifty-Five dollars in tips though- For real....thats Fifty more than the day before!
For dinner i had Fruto Fried chicken and French Fries!
Fatigue started to take over, I headed For home, Flopped on the couch in the Fetal position, and was Foolish enough to hope that my husband's hand was looking for my Foot, but realized quickly he was just Feeling me up!
Of course we are blameing the days events on the Full moon!
All in all though, "F" took a Full Flip and went From Freaking Frustrating to Full out Funny!!
1 comment:
that... is the funnest thing I have read in a long time.. well since your last post. Oh my gosh..
If a person could only remeber all the silly things that happen in a day..
I can't wait for the letter "w"..
WHAT? Waffles for lunch?
have a good day.
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