There is something about june that arrises a mixed bag of feelings in me similar to december. excitement of school ending so the lunch making ends, the crying over homework ends, the backpacks laying around the house ends, the morning broken record of yelling "GET DRESSED GET BREAKFAST, BRUSH YOUR TEETH, PACK YOUR LUNCH, PACK YOUR BINDER, GET YOUR SHOES ON HURRY UP" ENDS!!!!!!!!!!
worried as to what to do for child care as school has ended. how to keep the occupied, interested and safe.
the month of june seems to be one i wish and waste away. lack of giving a shit weather i get homework done or not. wishing for warmer days. hoping my flowers will not get frost bite!
making sure studing is done for finals........and this year mentally preparing myself to teach a 14 year old how to drive.
looking forward to holidays, rest, lazy days...........and realizing i will have 3 kids home that almost always makes this challanging.
june is a month similar to december also when it comes to end of the year stuff. instead of christmas concerts it is spring flings, field trips, operas this year, baseball tournaments, reportcards, relay for life, braces,
all the kids are on countdowns at this time of year, they are as done as we are with the daily never changing routines...........
maybe it is a good thing that june and december are half a year apart.
1 comment:
love the new picture. and you are so right about the school year. I am happily stress as well. If you would like to bring Mariah out here to teach her the ropes. feel more that welcome. I can imagine that it will be stressful for you.
Hope you had fun at the relay.
see you tomorrow.
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