.....this is after
this is "SAM"..... TIME OUT!..because Saftey Always Matters
THESE ARE FUN! (and i had 2 other pictures here that somehow disapperared!)
thses cups are called "PICK YOUR NOSE" .....check out
my original recycle project. a metal square found at the metal recycle pile. it was green already. spray painted a silver swirl pattern on it, added decrative wire and three wishes to be filled out. a funky and free magnet board i made my neice for christmas!
my latest use of recycled treats! Stacey wilson helped with the discovery of this jem! i am going to plant a clamatis for it to climb up the rusted metal door
this is the little baby jack rabbit that i found abanodoned on our front lawn. we loved it for three days, then the little guy went to bunny heaven. our hamster "chubbs" followed a week later. we are left with our gunie pig Jeff.
1 comment:
wow.. great post.. I love all the photos. Good job.
I hope the tiling project went equally as well at the Millar residence.
I am really enjoying the metal doors in the corner. great backdrop for your clamatis.
glad you had a great weekend. Talk later.
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