Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I have had a few people comment on how i have not updated the "blog". well at least i know i have readers..........NOT SO MANY COMMENTERS....i guess.

was shocked myself , to see the last date of the last post. the reason there has been a large gap is that i have been "UNSURE". I am a person who talks openly and honestly about my life. Perhaps i should be more private, but i think getting it out helps to get rid of it too. having said that i still feel "UNSURE" as to how to continue on. do i mention it, or skip it. the topic, for the most part taboo.
so i have decided to menton it. My mother passed away on August 21, 2008 from a heart attack related to the complications due to diabetes. She had been in the hospital for 6 months following a partial leg amputation, right leg just above the knee, again a result of comlpications of diabetes. She was 53 years old.

although death is a sure we deal with it, how it effects us, how it will change "UNSURE"


Twink said...

hey, glad to see you wrote something. I know this is a unsure time. Good to get it out.
We will talk more.
by the way. thought I should mention...this would be a great place to include snippets from your upcoming you, twink.

Anonymous said...

You know, when I saw you at the rink I was going to mention that I read your blog and that you hadn't written anything lately. I'm glad you wrote about your Mom, I'm a believer in letting things out if you feel the need to. I tend to be more closed with most things regarding myself, but I think healing can take place sooner/quicker when you share what you're going through. I should take my own advice sometimes! lol I'm sorry for the loss of your Mom. Diabetes is such an awful disease. ((hugs)) Karen C.