Saturday, July 19, 2008


well time flies.........what a few days! where to begin!?
well i am no longer blonde........or more accurately white with shades of orange with an intentional "highlite" piece of black RANDOMLY placed in the "bang".........NOT SO SABER.
my friend scrapbook stacy, said my hair resembled a character from "silence of the lambs" not Clarice.............the creepy kidnapping guy making himself a human skin suit! NICE!! (see picture at the top)

now my head is playing host to a mirage of colors, but at least i am not looking so creepy!

started my colonic body doesn't look like the last posted picture either, it too resembles a character from "silence of the lambs".......again not Clarice....but the "chubby" girl the freak kidnapped............i like to keep my looks within ONE scene of a movie! not sure what to say about these treatments........shall keep you posted.

had a LARGE scare this week with a phone call from my neighbour while I was in the city having left the kids at home. long story short,i almost experienced a heart attack, Liam experienced being placed firmly on a backboard and an ambulance ride, 10 x-rays, and a spinal response test, my daughter and good friend banlges stacey also got to experience an ambulance ride, and in the end we are all fine!!!
thanks to all the first responders of Strathmore, Dr McNeeley, and all hospital staff.

tomorrow my husband and i are subjecting ourselves to having our pictures done. i am not a fan of seeing myself in pictures, a self-esteem thing i guess, but to me an avoidance of looking at the ROLLS!!...........anyway, it is our 15th anniversary at the end of the month and we have not had our pictures alone since our wedding. we shall see. i will post them when i get the disc from the photographer.

oh and i guess i could share the story where i put my foot so deep in my mouth i brused my uvula........................
through facebook i found out that one of my old highschool friends is getting married this summer for the THIRD time! (we are 35 years old) since my client this week was being the bridesmaid for the second time..........i thought i would share that info about my friend. adding to it that i don't understand why one would get married 3 times! how about just date till you break up saving the wedding money and the divorce fees.

she then said......(wait for it....) "I am the third wife of my husband"


my life is just so saberly radomly funny that way!

1 comment:

Twink said...

Well, you have done some updates on your blog. nice work. I loved your last post. A lot to consider on there. 2, 3, 4 or maybe just marring and divorcing the same person more than once. I really don't have any experience in any of it so my opions are ..well.. I don't have any.. as far as a gift, check the take it, or leave.. you might find something nice.
I am here on Saturday and would love to help you out.. and by the way.. you better have not ment me that you hate asking for help. I thought we were in this "no family" thing together.
talk to you later.
p.s.. I want to no more about the "poop thing" why aren't you sure about it?