REALLY!!!!....who would of thought that you could make this innocent book "XXX" rated???
well my loving, darling, with an over matured sense of humor for his tender age of 7, can! thats who!!
if you own this book, you may remember that letter "H" is taught on page 20.
it goes like this....
BIG Hlittle hHungry. Horse.
Hen in a hat.
Hooray!Hooray!yeah ! i know what is the big deal?? well i have laughed hard in my life.....lots....but this gave me the giggles! my son was having a hard time with the word horse, so as an attempt to help him i covered all of the word except the "or"......."or" he said. "now add the "h" sound i encouraged!
"hor" he said........then gasped........then yelled to his father...."dad! mom made me say a bad word! she made me say "whore"!!!
and it didn't get any better with "whore-ray" either!!
well that is what made me laugh yesterday! looking forward to see what makes me laugh today!!