Saturday, May 23, 2009

sharing 1000 words

Karli helping me tile my backsplash....a project that i wanted done for a year and a half.........this is the before picture


.....this is after

this is "SAM"..... TIME OUT!..because Saftey Always Matters

THESE ARE FUN! (and i had 2 other pictures here that somehow disapperared!)
thses cups are called "PICK YOUR NOSE" .....check out

my original recycle project. a metal square found at the metal recycle pile. it was green already. spray painted a silver swirl pattern on it, added decrative wire and three wishes to be filled out. a funky and free magnet board i made my neice for christmas!

my latest use of recycled treats! Stacey wilson helped with the discovery of this jem! i am going to plant a clamatis for it to climb up the rusted metal door

this is the little baby jack rabbit that i found abanodoned on our front lawn. we loved it for three days, then the little guy went to bunny heaven. our hamster "chubbs" followed a week later. we are left with our gunie pig Jeff.

yet anther project insipred by the metal recycle pile.........from thrown away material i created these beauties into magnets for my friend twink as her birthday gift.

this is me suffering from the hours of crafting fun with an allergic reaction to something...........i think it was from the crazy glue i used. i ended up having to go to the hospital to recieve a shot in the arm, a pill, and had to do the ventilator thing up there! focus on the eye here!

Friday, May 8, 2009

BINGO...not my name-o

and i am sure that people do play here everyday! to quote a funny friend...."there were people there dobbn' for rent"........serious players!!
ones who didn't like the 'ole girls group with our trolls, SAM's, double dobber trophies, and penguin penises...........they did however enjoy the lucky hat from the luck's around!
so to summerize......i have a new found respect for the full time dobbers.........there is definitely an art form, skill, and level of concentration that is required........and that i do not posses!
so to summarize......add trying bingo as an adult to the what i have done list! i love that i keep adding to this list.........glad i will not be forming an addiction to bingo!
and on another first born turned 14 today! 14! so many emotions that i cannot put to words! WOW seems appropriate.
what about BOBS'?..........what about it?