just because i have a vagina it is assumed i can cook, clean, give birth, have a set of boobs just waiting to be grabbed by my husband, to be a taxi for the kids, be on the PTA, and am expected, if you believe the media, to look like a 17 year old.
well i have a vagina.....i hate and am horrible at cooking.....this makes my husband a hero because he likes and does the cooking
i have a vagina...........and i clean, have given birth three times, and do have boobs. my face enjoys the kiss and caress 1000 times more than my boobs for anyone who cares! I do feel like a child taxi service most of the time, am an ex PTA member, and will NEVER look like i did when i was 17!
i have a vagina and am able to tile my own backsplash, use a power drill, wet tile cutter, and a miter saw. i can frame walls, put up insulation, and hang drywall! and i can do a great job at it!!
i am frustrated at the simple fact that if one has a penis it is automattically assumed you can do any do-it-yourself project...........and if you do any steriotypical "vagina" work... you are amazing!